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Hong Kong Harbour Food

24 April 2019

More pork more neon more harbour

Eating roast pork in Causeway Bay

It is my last night in Hong Kong so I did more of the things you do in Hong Kong that I have already done.

First I caught the subway to North Point and walked along more of the harbour. By doing this I was able to prove that the phantom cruise ship terminal I tried to get to a couple of weeks ago does really get used! There were 2 ships at it. It is not just a cover for the old airport that might be removed one day if they run out of capacity at the new airport.
While walking along the harbour I inadvertently entered a fire station. They had a gate that was open, and a wharf area that looked enticing. I had no idea I was not supposed to go in there. There were lots of guys running along the wharf in running gear, I assumed it was the way people went to run along the harbour. No, they were firemen. I was escorted off the property by a security guy yelling at me in Cantonese.

Next I found myself in a big park full of basketball, soccer and tennis courts. I have actually been there before, its a concrete oasis near Causeway bay. Anyway, parts of it were very busy, and other parts had no one at all. I used one of these strangely quiet area to take a photo of the buildings in the background, before another security guard comes charging at me and escorts me out of another off limits area. I think it was about to be ripped up and replaced. So that was two times tonight I upset security guards.

The only other news is, I have been attacked by many mosquitoes. Dengue fever signs are everywhere. I have read up on the symptoms, non stop vomiting is one. Sudden onset is also mentioned. Time will tell if it hits just as my 10 hour flight departs tomorrow night.

Tonights photos are not plentiful. Actually I took less photos on this trip than any of my previous few trips. I blame the weather.

Hong Kong-Harbour-Food - Look! The cruise ship terminal really does get used.

Look! The cruise ship terminal really does get used.

Hong Kong-Harbour-Food - Another bonus photo of the water, parts of Kowloon or whatever they call that area. I think I climbed that mountain on the left.

Another bonus photo of the water, parts of Kowloon or whatever they call that area. I think I climbed that mountain on the left.

Hong Kong-Harbour-Food - For my last dinner in Hong Kong, the most Hong Kong of all things, BBQ. Featuring chicken annnnnd pork. I did not get what was pictured. The picture h

For my last dinner in Hong Kong, the most Hong Kong of all things, BBQ. Featuring chicken annnnnd pork. I did not get what was pictured. The picture had rice with vegetables. Instead I got a soup with vegetables and plain rice. It was bland and boring. Northern Chinese food is better than southern Chinese. Noodles > rice.

Hong Kong-Harbour-Food - Here are the buildings as seen from the off limits sporting area. I took this handheld and got starbeams / sunstars from the lights. 1/13 second handh

Here are the buildings as seen from the off limits sporting area. I took this handheld and got starbeams / sunstars from the lights. 1/13 second handheld, thanks IBIS.

Hong Kong-Harbour-Food - And finally for tonight, some neon back in Causeway bay. My flight tomorrow is not until 19:30, so I have to kill the whole day. No point going to the

And finally for tonight, some neon back in Causeway bay. My flight tomorrow is not until 19:30, so I have to kill the whole day. No point going to the airport early, I am flying Virgin and they only have 1 flight a day, so I wont be able to check in early, no check in staff will be there. Time for another orange!

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